
Success is something we all want to experience in our lives and while many do, many more do not.

This section of the site is set up to explain how to bring success into your life through the power of your own faith in yourself and in your ability to grow and to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

Of course, you may be in the position right now where you have no goals, nothing to aim for or are completely lacking in self esteem and confidence to even dare to hope for anything other than what you already have.

Not everyone is in the position to move forward. However, everyone has the same chance as everybody else of taking themselves out of that situation and placing themselves in a place where they can grow, set and achieve goals and succeed.

What is Success?

Before you can go out and start aiming for some kind of ethereal state of being that you perceive as being successful, you must first define what it is to have achieved that success. successIn other words, you need to know and to understand what success means to you.

It may come as no great surprise to learn that the word ″success″ has a different meaning to different people.

Some view success as having achieved their financial goals in life, other may view it as having achieved a physical goal such as a personal best time at running a certain distance. Still others may view it as getting to the top of the corporate ladder in their company or becoming an important public figure in local or national government, with others may say that overcoming a serious disease or medical condition is their definition of success.

Whatever you are aiming at in your life, whether it is financial, physical, or perceived, to your mind, the achievement of that goal is another way of claiming your success.

How to Achieve Success

The best way to explain how you can achieve success according to your own definition of the word is to paint a fairly simple picture in words.

I'll do that by creating a hypothetical scenario that should clarify the point I'm attempting to make. Let's take a fictional character that we'll call Jane.

When asked as a child at school what Jane wanted to be when she became an adult, rather than choose a certain job from a mundane list of occupations that schools like to try to guide their pupils toward, she answered that she wanted to be an entrepreneur.

The teacher raised her eyebrows at this and said, in an annoyingly patronising manner that ″entrepreneur″ isn't a job or an occupation!

While most children when faced with this kind of retort would succumb to the pressure and change their minds, ″Oh, in that case, I'd like to be a nurse,″ Jane remained steadfast. ″I know that,″ she replied sweetly, ″I don't want a job or an occupation. I want to be an entrepreneur!″

Fast forward ten years, give or take and our grown up Jane, who left school as soon as she was legally able to, worked hard to accumulate enough money to use as a down-payment on her first small apartment. Yes, she had to take a job to do this, but rather than it being an occupation, it was merely a means to an end.

What helped matters was that because Jane was still young enough to remain living at home, with minimal personal expenses, she did exactly that. Instead of spending the money she earned on nice clothes and going out to social events with her friends, she knuckled down and saved every spare penny she earned.

The apartment was not for her to live in. It was purely meant as an income generating rental.

Financial Achievement

Jane had taken her first step toward entrepreneurship. The income generated by the rental property was modest and after expenses, such as the mortgage and other property expenses had been deducted, there wasn't a great deal left over as profit.

But a visible monetary profit there certainly was!

Jane continued to work hard to accumulate more money and added it to her small profit from her rental apartment. The increased monthly income enabled her to save enough for the deposit on her second apartment several months sooner than she would have done by relying only on the money she was earning.

After purchasing her second apartment, the rental profit increased again and, adding this to what she was earning, the purchase of apartment number three followed even sooner.

Upon purchasing and renting each subsequent property, Jane's profit, and therefore her income increased each time. There came a point in this journey, tough though it may sound to many young people, where her rental profits had grown to the point where she no longer needed to work to earn the money needed to buy the next property.

In fact, once this tipping point in her income had been reached, she could now dedicate all her time to managing the rental business she had started and grown. It also mean that now she could take a little time off occasionally to go out with her friends and start enjoying life like everyone else.

It was also at that point that Jane could happily say to herself that she had achieved success in doing what she set out to do. The really interesting part is that it didn't stop there.

What Does Success Look Like?

The major difference between having a job or occupation and being an entrepreneur became clear as she talked with her friends at a restaurant one evening.

She listened to all her friends talking about how they were struggling to make ends meet while balancing their own living expenses with the income they received from their jobs. Some were doing a little better than others, depending on which jobs they had and how much they were paid each month.

Of course the other edge to that sword was having to also hear the complaints about how many hours in the day they were tied to their jobs and how often their bosses asked them to work the extra hour or two. Some even spoke about how much they hated their boss or gossiped about the inadequacies of their supervisors.

Then it came to Jane's turn to talk about her ″job.″ Her friends had, many years ago laughed at her in class for not wanting a real job and then felt sorry for her later on when she turned down all their invitations to go out on the town or go shopping for the latest fashions.

Now they listened with envy as she talked about how she never had any problems financially, how she didn't have a boss to hate or hapless supervisors to gossip about. But what really floored them all was the fact that she didn't spend any of her valuable time ″at work″ or doing anything that she didn't want to do.

They listened, open mouthed at how she had recently taken up playing golf and had made a number of valuable business connections on the golf course. These connections had enabled her to grow her collection of rental properties as well as consolidate her expenses with more attractive business financing.


As far as her friends were concerned, Jane was the picture of success.

In her financial life at least, Jane was indeed enjoying a truly successful existence. She had turned her life around from being the butt of their jokes to being the envy of her friends.

Achieving your own definition of success can be a tough journey to follow to its logical end, but it is something that every person should strive for no matter what obstacles appear on your path.

The titles included in this section explain in more detail the several ways in which you can do this.

Articles in this Section:

Below is a list of article titles in this part of the site:
